Thursday, 9 May 2013

Peer Sahib of Zardari Shareef believes Halwa Khao Maoj Manao

Peer Sahib of Zardari Shareef believes

Halwa Khao Maoj Manao

Halwa Khao Maoj Manao

Peer sahib has again asked his captive to keep his hopes alive because stars and dozens of daily sacrificial animals has dawned upon him one thing that no matter who takes the premiership he will elect him as president for the next term. Peer sahib is openly claiming that does not matter Imran or Sharif, “I can still he can see Zardari in the presidency”. How much Zardari believes him is not sure but one thing is proven that Mr. President has constantly been following his peer by sacrificing black animals and even staying away from hills whenever advised to do so. Yet jail days have taught him one lesson that keep all your options open and perhaps that’s the reason that he always keeps Bahria Malik’s chartered plane ready for an eventual take off to evergreen guarantor lands of Arabs.  But one saying of peer sahib seems to be holding him from fleeing and that is the prediction that out of Imran and Nawaz clash he would still have enough seats to set a bargaining table with any party. Peer is sure that out of two parties clash his mentor will get enough of seats to seek another five year term in office. Though our secret Babus disagree with that but they for all odd reasons seem to reflect the same findings in their reports sent to their chiefs these days. Peer sahib meanwhile is learnt to have been grilled by several of these secret Babus and are unable to find more than this that “Halwa Khao, Maoj Manao (eat sweetener and have fun).  
Venom Inc. This should not be held against me in a court of law as I solemnly declare that these are absolute lies, dirty whispers and wild speculation that I have heard while crawling in the dark power corridors of the creepy Capital. You will believe them at your own risk Shh...If you have venom to spill please don’t hesitate to share with us on our blog at

1 comment:

  1. Peer Saab what now? pls ask him to tell will Zardari survive and his halwa continue?


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