Tuesday, 23 September 2014

ISIS emerges from ashes of buried Ottoman Empire?

ISIS emerges from ashes of buried Ottoman Empire? 

Ottoman empire collapsed around 1918, though it took another turbulent six years and young-turks revolution under Mustafa Kemal Pasha to formally pronounce the demise of caliphate (3rd March, 1924). But isn't it strange that almost century later, British-French orchestrated division of the empire resonates across the region of Gulf. Americans seem to have opened a Pandora Box which French and British tried to close with the help of Hashmities and Sauds towards the end of first world war. 

The Ottoman Empire: 1350 to 1918This greatest of the Muslim states in terms of duration was founded in the late 13th century by the Ottoman Turks. It lasted until its dissolution after WW I in 1918. Its early phase challenged the Byzantine Empire, Bulgaria, and Serbia. In 1389, much of the Balkan Peninsula came under Ottoman rule. The Ottomans conquered Constantinople in 1453, bringing to an end the 1100-year-rule of the Byzantine Empire/ Next the Ottomans gained control of Mamluk Egypt in 1517, followed by Algiers and most of present-day Hungary by 1529, all of Persia in 1638, and most of the region between the Black and Caspian Seas by the 1650s. These so-called Ottoman wars of conquest fixed in the imagination of the Europeans the image of the Muslim Turks as ferocious and religiously inspired warriors. Beginning in the 1780s, the Ottoman Empire began to weaken, as European powers gained strength and began to vie with each other for access to resources and markets in the Middle East. Most of the northern coast of the Black Sea had slipped away by 1812. The Ottoman Empire lost Greece, Egypt, and Serbia to European-inspired independence movements over the next 60 years. By 1900, Turkey was known as the “Sick Man of Europe,” And by 1912, it had lost nearly all of its European territories. Siding with Germany and the losing Central Powers in World War I doomed the Empire. With the signing of the armistice ending WWI, the Ottoman Empire was dismantled by the Allied Powers, paving the way for the creation of new individual states in the modern Middle East.
Brief History of Ottoman Empire
Have Americans opened it just to redraw the geographical boundaries of Arabian peninsula or to push their arms sales (out of top 15 arms sales dealers in the world 10 are American, one British, one Italian, one Russian and a couple French with total arms sale touching US $ 395 billion in 2012) http://www.sipri.org/media/pressreleases/2014/top100_january2014?  Another point of view is that are Americans doing this to ensure that the Europeans remain under their influence of power instead of slipping towards the rising Putin-Xi camp?
There are even more questions arising out of the ashes of history which Americans have sprung flying around all of us culminating in interesting scenarios and even more questions than answers. 
From a Muslim stand point the question to watch out for is that Will Americans be able to contain this debris of history or let Saud family (the custodians of two holy places) face the torrent (also known as Arab Spring) which actually started from Lebanon in 1978 or as some say in 1947 when Israel was placed in the heart of Arab peninsula as a nation-state? Will these dictators and kings of un-naturally divided Ottoman empire be able to hop from super power to another to ensure their grip over the resources and general Arab populations (ruled supremely by tribes and clans and not by the British-French coined notion of nation-state)?  
In this context the rise of Islamic Sultanate of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is an interesting phenomenon. On the face of it, rise of such an extremist force is claiming what once has been part of Ottoman Empire till first world war. But in reality, the notion has always been in the hearts and mind of general Arab population throughout these past decades. It also resembles in some ways with Afghan conundrum where artificially stalled and foreign supported puppet governments could not address the genuine needs and demands of the locals and eventually the gap between the rulers and ruled was filled by a lower-middle class power group by using the name and force of a religion (hence they were called Taliban). 
No doubt these are Volatile, vulnerable and chaotic times, but like every rise has a fall we should consider finding some solace from Confucius who puts it  this way (perhaps for the entire human race and not only for rulers): "our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." 
Below is an interesting read in this regard to understand the background of Syria, Iraq and rest of the region and to some extent it also gives you an idea about the rise of ISIS. Happy reading

Iraq and Syria Follow Lebanon's Precedent
Lebanon was created out of the Sykes-Picot Agreement. This agreement between Britain and France reshaped the collapsed Ottoman Empire south of Turkey into the states we know today -- Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, and to some extent the Arabian Peninsula as well. For nearly 100 years, Sykes-Picot defined the region. A strong case can be made that the nation-states Sykes-Picot created are now defunct, and that what is occurring in Syria and Iraq represents the emergence of post-British/French maps that will replace those the United States has been trying to maintain since the collapse of Franco-British power.

The Invention of Middle East Nation-States

Sykes-Picot, named for French diplomat Francois Georges-Picot and his British counterpart, Sir Mark Sykes, did two things. First, it created a British-dominated Iraq. Second, it divided the Ottoman province of Syria on a line from the Mediterranean Sea east through Mount Hermon. Everything north of this line was French. Everything south of this line was British. The French, who had been involved in the Levant since the 19th century, had allies among the region's Christians. They carved out part of Syria and created a country for them. Lacking a better name, they called it Lebanon, after the nearby mountain of the same name.
The British named the area to the west of the Jordan River after the Ottoman administrative district of Filistina, which turned into Palestine on the English tongue. However, the British had a problem. During World War I, while the British were fighting the Ottoman Turks, they had allied with a number of Arabian tribes seeking to expel the Turks. Two major tribes, hostile to each other, were the major British allies. The British had promised postwar power to both. It gave the victorious Sauds the right to rule Arabia -- hence Saudi Arabia. The other tribe, the Hashemites, had already been given the newly invented Iraqi monarchy and, outside of Arabia, a narrow strip of arable ground to the east of the Jordan River. For lack of a better name, it was called Trans-Jordan, or the other side of the Jordan. In due course the "trans" was dropped and it became Jordan.
And thus, along with Syria, five entities were created between the Mediterranean and Tigris, and between Turkey and the new nation of Saudi Arabia. This five became six after the United Nations voted to create Israel in 1947. The Sykes-Picot agreement suited European models and gave the Europeans a framework for managing the region that conformed to European administrative principles. The most important interest, the oil in Iraq and the Arabian Peninsula, was protected from the upheaval in their periphery as Turkey and Persia were undergoing upheaval. This gave the Europeans what they wanted.
What it did not do was create a framework that made a great deal of sense to the Arabs living in this region. The European model of individual rights expressed to the nation-states did not fit their cultural model. For the Arabs, the family -- not the individual -- was the fundamental unit of society. Families belonged to clans and clans to tribes, not nations. The Europeans used the concept of the nation-state to express divisions between "us" and "them." To the Arabs, this was an alien framework, which to this day still competes with religious and tribal identities.
The states the Europeans created were arbitrary, the inhabitants did not give their primary loyalty to them, and the tensions within states always went over the border to neighboring states. The British and French imposed ruling structures before the war, and then a wave of coups overthrew them after World War II. Syria and Iraq became pro-Soviet states while Israel, Jordan and the Arabians became pro-American, and monarchies and dictatorships ruled over most of the Arab countries. These authoritarian regimes held the countries together.

Reality Overcomes Cartography

It was Lebanon that came apart first. Lebanon was a pure invention carved out of Syria. As long as the Christians for whom Paris created Lebanon remained the dominant group, it worked, although the Christians themselves were divided into warring clans. But after World War II, the demographics changed, and the Shiite population increased. Compounding this was the movement of Palestinians into Lebanon in 1948. Lebanon thus became a container for competing clans. Although the clans were of different religions, this did not define the situation. Multiple clans in many of these religious groupings fought each other and allied with other religions.
Moreover, Lebanon's issues were not confined to Lebanon. The line dividing Lebanon from Syria was an arbitrary boundary drawn by the French. Syria and Lebanon were not one country, but the newly created Lebanon was not one country, either. In 1976 Syria -- or more precisely, the Alawite dictatorship in Damascus -- invaded Lebanon. Its intent was to destroy the Palestinians, and their main ally was a Christian clan. The Syrian invasion set off a civil war that was already flaring up and that lasted until 1990.
Lebanon was divided into various areas controlled by various clans. The clans evolved. The dominant Shiite clan was built around Nabi Berri. Later, Iran sponsored another faction, Hezbollah. Each religious faction had multiple clans, and within the clans there were multiple competitors for power. From the outside it appeared to be strictly a religious war, but that was an incomplete view. It was a competition among clans for money, security, revenge and power. And religion played a role, but alliances crossed religious lines frequently.
The state became far less powerful than the clans. Beirut, the capital, became a battleground for the clans. The Israelis invaded in order to crush the Palestinian Liberation Organization, with Syria's blessing, and at one point the United States intervened, partly to block the Israelis. When Hezbollah blew up the Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983, killing hundreds of Marines, U.S. President Ronald Reagan, realizing the amount of power it would take to even try to stabilize Lebanon, withdrew all troops. He determined that the fate of Lebanon was not a fundamental U.S. interest, even if there was a Cold War under way.
The complexity of Lebanon goes far beyond this description, and the external meddling from Israel, Syria, Iran and the United States is even more complicated. The point is that the clans became the reality of Lebanon, and the Lebanese government became irrelevant. An agreement was reached between the factions and their patrons in 1989 that ended the internal fighting -- for the most part -- and strengthened the state. But in the end, the state existed at the forbearance of the clans. The map may show a nation, but it is really a country of microscopic clans engaged in a microscopic geopolitical struggle for security and power. Lebanon remains a country in which the warlords have become national politicians, but there is little doubt that their power comes from being warlords and that, under pressure, the clans will reassert themselves.

Repeats in Syria and Iraq

A similar process has taken place in Syria. The arbitrary nation-state has become a region of competing clans. The Alawite clan, led by Bashar al Assad (who has played the roles of warlord and president), had ruled the country. An uprising supported by various countries threw the Alawites into retreat. The insurgents were also divided along multiple lines. Now, Syria resembles Lebanon. There is one large clan, but it cannot destroy the smaller ones, and the smaller ones cannot destroy the large clan. There is a permanent stalemate, and even if the Alawites are destroyed, their enemies are so divided that it is difficult to see how Syria can go back to being a country, except as a historical curiosity. Countries like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel and the United States might support various clans, but in the end, the clans survive.
Something very similar happened in Iraq. As the Americans departed, the government that was created was dominated by Shia, who were fragmented. To a great degree, the government excluded the Sunnis, who saw themselves in danger of marginalization. The Sunnis consisted of various tribes and clans (some containing Shiites) and politico-religious movements like the Islamic State. They rose up in alliance and have now left Baghdad floundering, the Iraqi army seeking balance and the Kurds scrambling to secure their territory.
It is a three-way war, but in some ways it is a three-way war with more than 20 clans involved in temporary alliances. No one group is strong enough to destroy the others on the broader level. Sunni, Shiite and Kurd have their own territories. On the level of the tribes and clans, some could be destroyed, but the most likely outcome is what happened in Lebanon: the permanent power of the sub-national groups, with perhaps some agreement later on that creates a state in which power stays with the smaller groups, because that is where loyalty lies.
The boundary between Lebanon and Syria was always uncertain. The border between Syria and Iraq is now equally uncertain. But then these borders were never native to the region. The Europeans imposed them for European reasons. Therefore, the idea of maintaining a united Iraq misses the point. There was never a united Iraq -- only the illusion of one created by invented kings and self-appointed dictators. The war does not have to continue, but as in Lebanon, it will take the exhaustion of the clans and factions to negotiate an end.
The idea that Shia, Sunnis and Kurds can live together is not a fantasy. The fantasy is that the United States has the power or interest to re-create a Franco-British invention crafted out of the debris of the Ottoman Empire. Moreover, even if it had an interest, it is doubtful that the United States has the power to pacify Iraq and Syria. It could not impose calm in Lebanon. The triumph of the Islamic State would represent a serious problem for the United States, but no more than it would for the Shia, Kurds and other Sunnis. As in Lebanon, the multiplicity of factions creates a countervailing force that cripples those who reach too far.
There are two issues here. The first is how far the disintegration of nation-states will go in the Arab world. It seems to be under way in Libya, but it has not yet taken root elsewhere. It may be a political formation in the Sykes-Picot areas. Watching the Saudi peninsula will be most interesting. But the second issue is what regional powers will do about this process. Turkey, Iran, Israel and the Saudis cannot be comfortable with either this degree of fragmentation or the spread of more exotic groups. The rise of a Kurdish clan in Iraq would send tremors to the Turks and Iranians.
The historical precedent, of course, would be the rise of a new Ottoman attitude in Turkey that would inspire the Turks to move south and impose an acceptable order on the region. It is hard to see how Turkey would have the power to do this, plus if it created unity among the Arabs it would likely be because the memories of Turkish occupation still sting the Arab mind.
All of this aside, the point is that it is time to stop thinking about stabilizing Syria and Iraq and start thinking of a new dynamic outside of the artificial states that no longer function. To do this, we need to go back to Lebanon, the first state that disintegrated and the first place where clans took control of their own destiny because they had to. We are seeing the Lebanese model spread eastward. It will be interesting to see where else its spreads.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Will Judiciary proceed against Holy Cows of Pakistan?

Will Judiciary Proceed  against Holy Cows of Pakistan?
Court to probe 61 Pakistani Politicians including Nawaz, Shahbaz, Zardari, Imran for transferring wealth abroad
Saeed Minhas
Islamabad: Developments and twists are not unknown to Pakistani politics. The latest one in line is a simmering case under review at Lahore High Court to probe the alleged flight of money from Pakistan by none other than the top notch politicians of the country by industrialist turned politician and sitting prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, his younger brother and chief minister Punjab , Shahbaz Sharif, former President of Pakistan and co-chairperson of Peoples Party, Asif Zardari and chief of Pakistan Tehrik Insaaf (PTI), Imran Khan. 

Will a judiciary known for having a history of siding with the powerful (to allow itself to be overlooked for its internal weaknesses and corruption), be able to rise above its dirty past? More importantly the politically infested institutes like Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), Auditor General of Pakistan, Federal Board of Revenue and other such institutes be allowed to extend the details to the court or continue to play in tandem with corrupt political bosses (to help themselves to promotions and corruption)? 

Interestingly, this is first attempt at asking such high profile politicians to disclose their foreign assets but till to date no such attempts have been made to force the powerful and politically aligned federal and provincial bureaucracy (babucracy) of this country or for that matter the serving or retired Generals of Pakistan's army or serving and retired judges of the lower and higher judiciary of the country to disclose their foreign assets or foreign (dual) nationalities. 
But if this case against politicians is proceeded further by the judiciary, lets hope that one day other holy cows will be challenged as well. But mind you with this judiciary reeling under its own heaps of corruption and nepotism, the chances are slim but enough for patriots like us to hang on to and wish for the proceedings to go on.    (Saeed Minhas)
LAHORE: The Lahore High Court (LHC) on Friday decided to start ex parte proceedings against 61 politicians in relation to a case against alleged illegal transfer of assets to foreign countries.
Justice Ameenuddin made the call during the hearing of a petition filed by Advocate Javed Iqbal Jafree which said that prominent politicians including Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, PTI chairman Imran Khan and former president Asif Ali Zardari had transferred their assets to foreign countries via illegal means.
The petition had requested the court to issue orders to bring the allegedly illegally transferred assets back to Pakistan.
The order disables the politicians who failed to submit their affidavits in response to the court's directive to declare their assets from defending themselves and will affect high profile politicians including the premier, the Punjab chief minister, Imran as well as PPP’s co-chairperson Zardari.
Earlier on September 2, only three out of the 64 initially directed had filed affidavits in this regard. These included Senator Aitzaz Ahsan, his wife Bushra Aitzaz and former chairman National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Qamar Zaman Chaudhry.
However, during today’s hearing, Advocate Jafree pointed out that Mr and Mrs Ahsan and the former NAB chairman had not submitted any details on the foreign assets they had in possession, following which the court ordered the three to file details of their foreign assets by the next hearing.
The court decided to begin ex parte proceedings against the politicians who had not submitted their assets' details and ordered Director General Federal Investigative Agency (FIA) Ghalib Ali Bandesha, Punjab Advocate General Hanif Khatana and Attorney General Salman Aslam Butt to submit an affidavit declaring details of the investigation that has taken place into the case so far.
The case was subsequently adjourned to September 29.
Earlier in June, the LHC had issued notices to politicians, including the prime minister, on a petition seeking directions for the politicians to bring their foreign assets back to Pakistan.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

The Origins and Implications of the Scottish Referendum

The Origins and Implications of the Scottish Referendum

By George Friedman

The idea of Scottish independence has
moved from the implausible to the very possible. Whether or not it
actually happens, the idea that the union of England and Scotland, which
has existed for more than 300 years, could be dissolved has enormous
implications in its own right, and significant implications for Europe
and even for global stability.

The United Kingdom
was the center of gravity of the international system from the end of
the Napoleonic Wars until World War II. It crafted an imperial structure
that shaped not only the international system but also the internal
political order of countries as diverse as the United States and India.
The United Kingdom devised and drove the Industrial Revolution. In many
ways, this union was a pivot of world history. To realize it might be
dissolved is startling and reveals important things about the direction
of the world.

Scotland and England are historical enemies. Their sense of competing
nationhoods stretches back centuries, and their occupation of the same
island has caused them to fight many wars. Historically they have
distrusted each other, and each has given the other good reason for the
distrust. The national question was intertwined with dynastic struggles
and attempts at union imposed either through conquest or dynastic
intrigue. The British were deeply concerned that foreign powers,
particularly France, would use Scotland as a base for attacking England.
The Scots were afraid that the English desire to prevent this would
result in the exploitation of Scotland by England, and perhaps the
extinction of the Scottish nation.

The Union of 1707 was the result of acts of parliaments on both sides
and led to the creation of the Parliament of Great Britain. England's
motive was its old geopolitical fears. Scotland was driven more by
financial problems it was unable to solve by itself. What was created
was a united island, acting as a single nation. From an outsider's
perspective, Scotland and England were charming variations on a single
national theme -- the British -- and it was not necessary to consider
them as two nations. If there was ever a national distinction that one
would have expected to be extinguished in other than cultural terms, it
was this one. Now we learn that it is intact. We need a deeper
intellectual framework for understanding why Scottish nationalism has

The Principle of National Self-Determination

The French Enlightenment and subsequent revolution had elevated the
nation to the moral center of the world. It was a rebellion against the
transnational dynasties and fragments of nations that had governed much
of Europe. The Enlightenment saw the nation, which it defined in terms
of shared language, culture and history, as having an inherent right to
self-determination and as the framework for the republican democracies
it argued were the morally correct form of government.

After the French Revolution, some nations, such as Germany and Italy,
united into nation-states. After World War I, when the Hapsburg,
Hohenzollern, Romanov and Ottoman empires all collapsed, a wave of
devolution took place in Europe. The empires devolved into their
national components. Some were amalgamated into one larger nation, such
as Yugoslavia or Czechoslovakia, while others, such as Poland, were
single nation-states. Some had republican democracies, others had
variations on the theme, and others were dictatorships. A second major
wave of devolution occurred in 1992, when the Soviet Union collapsed and
its constituent republics became independent nation-states.

The doctrine of the right to national self-determination drove the
first wave of revolts against European imperialism in the Western
Hemisphere, creating republics in the Americas. The second wave of
colonial rising and European withdrawal occurred after World War II. In
some cases, nations became self-determining. In other cases,
nation-states simply were invented without corresponding to any nation
and actually dividing many. In other cases, there were nations, but
republican democracy was never instituted except by pretense. A French
thinker, Francois de La Rochefoucauld, said, "Hypocrisy is the tribute
that vice pays to virtue." Even while betraying its principles, the
entire world could not resist the compulsion to embrace the principles
of national self-determination through republican democracy. This
effectively was codified as the global gold standard of national
morality in the charters of the League of Nations and then the United

The Imperfection of the Nation-State

The incredible power of the nation-state as a moral principle and
right could be only imperfectly imposed. No nation was pure. Each had
fragments and minorities of other nations. In many cases, they lived
with each other. In other cases, the majority tried to expel or even
destroy the minority nation. In yet other cases, the minority demanded
independence and the right to form its own nation-state. These conflicts
were not only internal; they also caused external conflict over the
right of a particular nation to exist or over the precise borders
separating the nations.

Europe in particular tore itself apart in wars between 1914 and 1945
over issues related to the rights of nation-states, with the idea of the
nation-state being taken to its reductio ad absurdum -- by the Germans
as a prime example. After the war, a principle emerged in Europe that
the borders as they stood, however imperfect, were not to be challenged.
The goal was to abolish one of the primary causes of war in Europe.

The doctrine was imperfectly applied. The collapse of the Soviet
Union abolished one set of borders, turning internal frontiers into
external borders. The Yugoslavian civil war turned into an international
war once Yugoslavia ceased to exist, and into civil wars within
nation-states such as Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia. At the same time, the
borders in the Caucasus were redrawn when newly independent Armenia
seized what had been part of Azerbaijan. And in an act that flew in the
face of the principle, NATO countries divided Serbia into two parts: an
Albanian part called Kosovo and the rest of Serbia.

The point of all this is to understand that the right to national
self-determination comes from deep within European principles and that
it has been pursued with an intensity and even viciousness that has torn
Europe apart and redrawn its borders. One of the reasons that the
European Union exists is to formally abolish these wars of national
self-determination by attempting to create a framework that both
protects and trivializes the nation-state.

Scotland's Case

The possibility of Scottish independence must be understood in this context. Nationalism, the remembrance and love of history and culture,
is not a trivial thing. It has driven Europe and even the world for
more than two centuries in ever-increasing waves. The upcoming Scottish
election, whichever way it goes, demonstrates the enormous power of the
desire for national self-determination. If it can corrode the British
union, it can corrode anything.

There are those who argue that Scottish independence could lead to
economic problems or complicate the management of national defense.
These are not trivial questions, but they are not what is at stake here.
From an economic point of view, it makes no sense for Scotland to
undergo this sort of turmoil. At best, the economic benefits are
uncertain. But this is why any theory of human behavior that assumes
that the singular purpose of humans is to maximize economic benefits is
wrong. Humans have other motivations that are incomprehensible to the
economic model but can be empirically demonstrated to be powerful. If
this referendum succeeds, it will still show that after more than 300
years, almost half of Scots prefer economic uncertainty to union with a
foreign nation.

This is something that must be considered carefully in a continent
that is prone to extreme conflicts and still full of borders that do not
map to nations as they are understood historically. Catalonia, whose
capital is Barcelona, the second-largest and most vibrant city in Spain,
has a significant independence movement.
The Treaty of Trianon divided Hungary so that some Hungarians live in
Romania, while others live in Slovakia. Belgium consists of French and
Dutch groups (Walloons and Fleming), and it is not too extreme to say
they detest each other. The eastern half of Poland was seized by the
Soviet Union and is now part of Ukraine and Belarus. Many Chechens and
Dagestanis want to secede from Russia, as do Karelians, who see
themselves as Finns. There is a movement in northern Italy to separate
its wealthy cities from the rest of Italy. The war between Azerbaijan
and Armenia is far from settled. Myriad other examples can be found in Europe alone.

The right to national self-determination is not simply about the
nation governing itself but also about the right of the nation to occupy
its traditional geography. And since historical memories of geography
vary, the possibility of conflict grows. Consider Ireland: After its
fight for independence from England and then Britain, the right to
Northern Ireland, whose national identity depended on whose memory was
viewing it, resulted in bloody warfare for decades.

Scottish independence would transform British history. All of the
attempts at minimizing its significance miss the point. It would mean
that the British island would be divided into two nation-states, and
however warm the feelings now, they were not warm in the past nor can we
be sure that they will be warm in the future. England will be
vulnerable in ways that it hasn't been for three centuries. And Scotland
will have to determine its future. The tough part of national
self-determination is the need to make decisions and live with them.

This is not an argument for or against Scottish nationhood. It is
simply drawing attention to the enormous power of nationalism in Europe
in particular, and in countries colonized by Europeans. Even Scotland
remembers what it once was, and many -- perhaps a majority and perhaps a
large minority -- long for its return. But the idea that Scotland
recalls its past and wants to resurrect it is a stunning testimony less
to Scottish history than to the Enlightenment's turning national rights
into a moral imperative that cannot be suppressed.

More important, perhaps, is that although Yugoslavia and the Soviet
collapse were not seen as precedents for the rest of Europe, Scotland
would be seen that way. No one can deny that Britain is an entity of
singular importance. If that can melt away, what is certain? At a time
when the European Union's economic crisis
is intense, challenging European institutions and principles, the
dissolution of the British union would legitimize national claims that
have been buried for decades.

But then we have to remember that Scotland was buried in Britain for
centuries and has resurrected itself. This raises the question of how
confident any of us can be that national claims buried for only decades
are settled. I have no idea how the Scottish will vote. What strikes me
as overwhelmingly important is that the future of Britain is now on the
table, and there is a serious possibility that it will cease to be in
the way it was. Nationalism has a tendency to move to its logical
conclusion, so I put little stock in the moderate assurances of the
Scottish nationalists. Nor do I find the arguments against secession
based on tax receipts or banks' movements compelling. For centuries,
nationalism has trumped economic issues. The model of economic man may
be an ideal to some, but it is empirically false. People are interested
in economic well-being, but not at the exclusion of all else. In this
case, it does not clearly outweigh the right of the Scottish nation to
national-self determination.

I think that however the vote goes, unless the nationalists are
surprised by an overwhelming defeat, the genie is out of the bottle, and
not merely in Britain. The referendum will re-legitimize questions that
have caused much strife throughout the European continent for
centuries, including the 31-year war of the 20th century that left 80
million dead.

Read more: The Origins and Implications of the Scottish Referendum | Stratfor